A Look at Vitamins that Can Increase Female Lubrication - A Comprehensive Outlook

A Look at Vitamins that Can Increase Female Lubrication - A Comprehensive Outlook

Truth be told, not many women are aware that there exists vitamins to increase female lubrication. In fact, this is a subject that is rarely broached, and if it does, it is typically discussed in hushed tones. That being said, taking vitamins for vaginal dryness has recently grown in popularity, especially considering that more and more women are finding themselves in this predicament. This, alongside best vitamins for vaginal health, has proven to be quite the savior as far as spicing up the sex lives of millions of women around the world goes. Buckle up and let's explore some of the ways you can integrate vitamins to increase female lubrication naturally.

What Vitamins Make Your Vag Wetter?

Wondering what vitamins make your vag wetter? Well, even before delving into that, it is imperative to, first of all, take a detailed look at what causes vaginal dryness in the first place. Then, and only then, you can narrow down on natural supplements to increase female lubrication.

According to leading gynecologists, decreased blood flow, stress, dehydration, and anxiety are usually to blame for the progressive lack of ample lubrication, especially as one grows older. That aside, vaginal dryness can also be a result of the following;

  • Use of hormonal birth control, especially pills and IUDs
  • Diabetes
  • Childbirth and breastfeeding
  • Administration of medications such as anti-estrogen tablets that are used to treat uterine fibroids and endometriosis
  • Intake of certain antihistamines (used in the treatment of runny noses and itchy eyes)
  • Usage of antidepressants
  • Oophorectomy - removal of ovaries
  • Sjogren's syndrome - an autoimmune disorder that is manifested by dryness across the body

A Look at Vitamins and Supplements for Vaginal Dryness

As mentioned earlier, there exist supplements to increase female lubrication, and these vaginal dryness supplements can be grouped into various major categories such as;

Vitamin E for Vaginal Dryness

It is impossible to list vitamins for female dryness without mentioning Vitamin E at some point in time. Here's the thing; apart from being one of the most recognizable vitamin for vaginal dryness, tocopherol is a fat-soluble nutrient that doubles as an antioxidant as well as a disease-fighting aid.

Research shows how regular intake and supplement of this vitamin for vaginal dryness can go a long way in improving symptoms of vaginal atrophy in women above the age of menopause. Other studies have also been instrumental in linking vitamin E with increased female lubrication, especially when paired with other ingredients such as vitamin D, vitamin A, and hyaluronic acid. In other words, it appears that taking vitamin e for vaginal dryness has the potential to bear promising results, especially among women experiencing vaginal atrophy.

Fortunately, there are several reliable sources of vitamin E, including these Wellabs Vitamin E drops (with selenium) currently available through our website. Otherwise, the vitamin can also be ingested via a variety of plant-based oils, e.g., sunflower and pumpkin seed oil, and a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin D

Similar to vitamin e vaginal dryness-reducing capacities, the sunshine vitamin appears to be also helpful in improving female lubrication. And this should not be entirely surprising, considering that there is a review that supports how intake of oral vitamin D supplements and their related suppositories can be instrumental in reducing vaginal dryness while also improving one's overall vaginal health, especially after menopause. Besides, recently, a study involving over 200 women was carried out, and the results showed how individuals who had healthy vitamin D levels were less likely to suffer from vaginal dryness and moisture inconsistency than those who were deficient in the same nutrient.

Just like vitamin E, vitamin D-rich foods are quite aplenty, and they include the likes of;

  • Red meat
  • Liver
  • Egg yolks
  • Oily fish such as herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines
  • Fortified cereals

Nonetheless, as you can easily see, most (if not all), reliable vitamin D-rich foods are animal-sourced protein. Which, of course, implies that vegetarian women and those who ascribe to a strictly plant-based diet may want to turn to vegan-friendly options such as Wellabs Vitamin D drops to supplement their intake of the sunshine vitamin.

Taking Probiotics for Vaginal Dryness

Taking probiotics for vagina dryness has also demonstrated some promising results in improving female lubrication, which is not at all news considering that they contain useful lactobacillus strains. For those who may not be familiar with this logic, probiotics are a food complex formulated to infuse beneficial micro-organisms into our gut flora and overall ecosystem. Apart from helping keep your vagina's pH levels optimally balanced, it also inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria, improving the overall health of your lady parts. This, in addition to a balanced diet, makes it exceedingly easier for you to enjoy supreme lubrication between the sheets.

There are several dependable sources of probiotics as mentioned above, including Wellabs Liquid Probiotics with Prebiotic, which packs over 19 different live probiotic strains. Apart from relying on a supplement for vaginal dryness, you can also turn your attention to probiotic-rich foods such as kefir or unsweetened yogurt to keep Miss V happy.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Although it is not exactly a vitamin for vaginal dryness in the strictest definition of the word, regular consumption of Omega 3 Fatty Acids has been shown to aid in blood flow and circulation, which then translates to a better sex drive. Speaking of which, fish oil is one of the many vaginal dryness supplements that you can take under this category. Remember that apart from helping with vaginal lubrication, a consortium of studies shows how supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids can aid in increasing and balancing estrogen levels, which can significantly help keep vaginal dryness at bay, especially in post-menopausal women.

Hyaluronic Acid

As the name suggests, hyaluronic acid is a naturally-produced molecule known for its incredible role in slowing down aging and boosting skin health. And even though it is commonly found in most cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is also readily available in oral supplement form over the counter in most major drug stores. Research shows how taking this supplement for vaginal dryness can be beneficial in improving vaginal dryness symptoms in women, especially those who are past menopause.

Other than oral supplementation, topical suppositories and gels that contain hyaluronic acid have also cemented their reputation as being a reliable booster for vaginal lubrication, especially when used in conjunction with other ingredients such as vitamins E and C, not forgetting ingredients such as alpha-lipoic acid and glucosamine sulfate.


It wasn't long ago that experts discovered how kudzu, a peculiar perennial vine, can help improve symptoms of vaginal dryness. Apparently, the high isoflavone and estrogenic components that are found nestled in kudzu make it a potent nature-given hormone replacement aid that can go a long way in helping post-menopausal women beat vaginal atrophy and lack of lubrication. Speaking of which, a study demonstrates how taking around 50mg of the root daily for at least 24 weeks can alleviate most of the tell-tale signs associated with vaginal dryness.

Sea Buckthorn Oil

If you are scouring for supplements for vaginal dryness, then seas buckthorn ought to rank high on your list of potentially helpful condiments. You see, this is a natural supplement extracted from the rather exotic sea buckthorn plant's seeds, leaves, and berries. It is rich in a variety of essential fatty acids, such as linolic acid, that can strengthen the skin barrier and guard against water loss. This property, as peculiar as it may sound, can help post-menopausal women combat vaginal dryness while improving overall lubrication.

Moreover, it has been shown that women who use sea buckthorn oil are also likely to experience notable improvements in vaginal lubrication and elasticity. Don't forget that sea buckthorn oil also plays an immense role in stimulating the regeneration of tissues, improving overall wound healing, and the overall synthesis of collagen. In case you are not aware, Collagen is the same structural protein responsible for giving your skin elasticity and strength.


As you are probably aware, Boron is a nonessential mineral found in various foods, including leafy greens, coffee, raisins, and almonds. Although the exact role that the mineral plays in the human body is not essentially clear, there is extensive research that links it to the natural synthesis of sex hormones. If anything, a small study conducted back in 1987 revealed that women who regularly took boron supplements had significantly higher serum estradiol levels than those who did not, especially when the supplement intake was paired with a low-magnesium diet. Low estradiol levels, in case you are wondering, are usually lower in women undergoing menopause and are usually characterized by irritation, itching, and vaginal dryness.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)

Although not strictly a vitamin for vaginal dryness, it is worth mentioning that your body requires DHEA to synthesize estrogen, the hormone that is responsible for keeping Miss V healthy and well-lubricated. Here is the thing; your body is perfectly capable of making DHEA on its own. However, the capacity to do so tanks considerably as you approach your menopause years. Here's where DHEA supplementation can turn things around, particularly in combating symptoms such as low libido and perpetual vaginal dryness. There is even a 2016 study that demonstrated exhaustively how women who integrated DHEA supplements into their wellness regimen could enjoy better vaginal lubrication within as short as 12 weeks.

Other Natural and Home Remedies for Tackling the Problem of Vaginal Dryness

Apart from supplements to increase female lubrication, there exists a few tricks and tips plus lifestyle changes that you can employ to keep things au naturel down there. Here's a quick breakdown of that.

  • Stay away from certain hygiene products: You've probably heard this before - certain scented soaps, shower gels, and female hygiene products can seriously dry out your vaginal and hamper lubrication during sex. Ladies, remember that your vagina is basically self-cleaning. As such, there is probably no need to hose your lady parts down with a concoction of dyes and fragrances just to keep them odorless.
  • Arousal is key: It is important not to skimp on foreplay when getting frisky. Take your time and get the blood flowing down there to boost and sustain great arousal throughout the act.
  • Get and stay hydrated: Lubrication is essentially moisture. As such, you may want to steer clear of anything that makes you dehydrated, such as excessive consumption of alcohol. In addition, cultivate a habit of eating tonnes of fresh vegetables, fruits and at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Re-evaluate your birth-control options: Sometimes, being on hormonal birth control such as the famous pill could be to blame for your dry downstairs. Be sure to consult with your gynecologists on the best options tailored for your body and, if possible, adopt a non-hormonal option.

In Closing

There exist vitamins that can make your vag better and, consequently, make your sex life a bit more exhilarating and exciting once again. Nonetheless, these have to be paired with lifestyle changes that give your body the best chances of attaining optimal female lubrication as well. This means better stress management, longer/more relaxing sleep, and a balanced diet as well.


  1. How can I restore my wetness?

    Have your doctor or physician check your estrogen levels, especially if you are approaching or past menopause. Most of the time, vaginal dryness is simply a consequence of tanking estradiol levels which can be corrected by integrating the right set of supplements and vitamins into your nutritional regimen.

  2. How do I get rid of feminine dryness?

    Proper hydration is key to improving female lubrication. Apart from topical vaginal moisturizers, try to eat a healthy and balanced diet with supplemental vitamins, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and drink plenty of water throughout the day to improve internal moisturization.

  3. What foods increase female lubrication?

    Foods that are high or rich in omega-3 fatty acids, e.g., tuna, mackerel, and salmon, have proven to be quite helpful in aiding the physiological process that oversees vaginal lubrication and tones down vaginal dryness. The same can be said of foods encouraging better blood flow, such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and raw pumpkins.
